The assymetrical rounded corners is the unique visual design element
throughout all server components.
The general rule of thumbs is : 4 : 2 : <1 (on big elements up to [ 9 : 3: <1 ])
sometimes split => [ <header> <content> <footer> ] (see the overall page frame layout)
The first (top-left) corner should be chosen big enough,
to be clearly recognizable - and shouldn't be too small. ( depending on font/line-height and padding of the (top) row... )
The second (top-right) corner may be slightly smaller
than the ratio - especially on "one-liners"... (see below: 0.5em 0.2em... 0.66em 0.3em...)
Both bottom corners are always identical,
are sharp or near 0 in most cases
they are rounded only :
- on a surrounding or overlay element (action boxes, menues)
- or on page-defining blocks (really big elements)
W Glyphs have no padding ! - multiple Glyphs may "stick" together ( mp ) i The space Glyph is thin by purpose - about 0.1em wide ... ( m p ) Ebold and italic works for most Glyphs... f serverStyles.css - use <span class="BeapIconic">...</span>
Examples :
: Collapsed [:] ; Expanded [;] U User/Session [U] y Confirm [y] x Cancel [x] R Reload [R] I Inspect/Search [I] S Settings [S] j Passed [j] k Failed [k]
Specials & Ligatures :
I+ Zoom In [I+], [Í Í], [Ì] I- Zoom Out [I-], [Ì Ì], [Í] Ix Search failed [Ix], [Î Î], [Î] Iy Search done [Iy], [Ï Ï], [Ï] ff Multiple Files [ff], [ff] f+ Add/Expand File [f+], [fi], [fi] f- Hide/Collapse File [f-], [fl], [fl] fx Close/Delete File [fx], [ft], [ſt] fy Checked/Saved File [fy], [﬇] í small plus sign [í í] , [ì] ì small minus sign [ì ì] , [í] î small cross sign [î î] , [î] ï small check sign [ï ï] , [ï] U+ Administrator [U+] , [Ü Ü] , [Ü] 0 Spinner [0,1-8] + <script> <SpinnerScript>
The Windows & Office Logos for the windows-specific icons
"file_win_exe", "file_win_xls", "file_win_doc" & "file_win_ppt" are a
trademark of : Microsoft Windows®, Microsoft 365®
You are free to use, share and adapt them,
inside and outside of this server software,
as whole icon set or individual images,
by agreeing to the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
There is no need to credit each individual Image or Icon.
Attribution: appropiate crediting of the entire icon set once
- by naming of the license (in short or long notation)
- and linking to : this particular page, to or to - are considered as equivalent and sufficient.